La Grande Coutellerie Claude Dozorme manages which is the only official online sales webstore for the products of the Claude Dozorme’s brand.
You can also visit one of the 3 Claude Dozorme stores called “La Grande Coutellerie”, located in Clermont Ferrand, Cannes and Paris to discover Claude Dozorme’s entire collection.
By purchasing your products at La Grande Coutellerie, you benefit directly from the expertise and warranty of French manufacturer Claude Dozorme. Founded in 1902 by Blaise Dozorme known as "the wolf", the Claude Dozorme house is still a human-sized company headed by Claudine Dozorme, the great-granddaughter of the founder. You may have the opportunity to meet her in one of her 3 shops with her husband Philippe Pernot.

The Claude Dozorme products guaranteed you a 100% French manufacturing tradition for over 100 years. For more than a century, the Claude Dozorme has been creating and manufacturing luxury products in very small series in its workshop near Thiers, the French capital of cutlery. In order to guarantee optimal quality, it is one of the rare Thiers cutlery companies to have re-integrated all of the knife's manufacturing stages in its own workshop.
The Claude Dozorme house was Labeled by the State in 2009 “French Living Heritage Company “ for its exceptional know-how and completely French manufacturing.

It is a member of the French Cutlery Federation and a large number of its products are labeled Esprit de Thiers.